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Peru’s president shuffles cabinet

LIMA, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) — Peruvian President Dina Boluarte on Tuesday unveiled new appointments to four cabinet posts at a swearing-in ceremony held at government headquarters in Lima.
Ursula Leon Chempen was appointed to lead the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism. Durich Francisco Whittembury Talledo will head the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, and Fabricio Alfredo Valencia Gibaja will lead the Culture Ministry.
Elmer Schialer Salcedo, with over 40 years of diplomatic experience, will head the Foreign Ministry, replacing Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea.
The change comes amid diplomatic tensions between Peru and Venezuela after Venezuela’s National Electoral Council declared President Nicolas Maduro the winner of the July 28 presidential elections.
The Peruvian government denounced alleged “irregularities” in the election process, leading to the expulsion of Venezuelan diplomats and Venezuela’s decision to cut diplomatic ties with Peru. ■
